Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of BROS Theatre Company will take place on Thursday 14th September 2017 at 9pm at St Michael’s Hall, Elm Bank Gardens, Barnes SW13.

The AGM is an important date in the BROS year when Committee officers and members are elected to help run the society for the year ahead.  The committee is made up of President, Chairman, Deputy Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and 6 other general members.

It is hoped that the general members take on an active role to contribute to the running of the society according to their skills and interest areas, depending on the objectives of the society and where resources are needed.  This may involve activities such as marketing and publicity, social events, membership, website, member workshops, member communications, show selection etc…

If you would like to get more involved in BROS and are considering standing for the committee, you will need to be nominated and seconded by two full members or VPs (Vice Presidents). Nomination forms can be obtained from me and should be completed and sent back to me in advance or handed in on the night prior to commencement of the AGM.

Members are reminded that the entire committee is elected annually.

Minutes of the 2016 AGM will be provided on the evening. If you are unable to attend the AGM but would like to receive them in advance, please email to request a copy.

The audited accounts will be available at the AGM but, if you would like to receive a copy of these in advance, please email Jonathon Warriss-Simmons at

If you have any matters that you wish to have itemised on the Agenda, please let me know a.s.a.p. Matters for AOB will, of course, be called for on the evening.

If you wish to contact us by email please do so at

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 14th September.