We are delighted to announce that our biennial award ceremony ‘The BROSCARS’ will next take place on Saturday 3rd March 2018. This fun and fizz-packed evening will celebrate the hard work of the company over the past two years and the people that have helped make it happen, both in front of and behind the curtain.  As in previous years, its an opportunity to dress up in your finery and applaud the unsung heroes, saved moments, dressing room helpers and super troupers who will all get their moment in the spotlight, not to mention our biggest divas, scene-stealers and hams!

2018 also sees the 110th anniversary of the company, so look out for some blasts from the past, fittingly staged at the Kitson Hall in Barnes where BROS first performed in 1932. More details will be circulated in the coming months, and booking will open in the New Year, so please save the date and we look forward to welcoming you on the red carpet!